Moving on, always strong.

A poem

Wanita Isaacs


Author’s own

We’re on to our third home
In just this last month.
Nomadic by nature,
Homeful by circumstance.

Our abundance of homes,
Transient as they are,
Fulfills the travelers urge,
And breaks the family’s heart.

Exhausted, we unpack already
Dreading the next re-pack.
Excited, we explore and search
For each a spot to call our own.

Borrowed spaces, borrowed beauty
Borrowed lives, our own on hold,
We visit and we dream. Our dreams
They grow, while life unfolds.

Funny how our lives begin
To take the shape of dreams
Forgotten, while we’re busy. Busy
Packing, moving, always moving on.



Wanita Isaacs

Writer, pathologically teaching-to-learn (those who can't do, ...). Ex-medical doctor, ex-corporate communications, ex-rat racer.